Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here we go

I've decided to start a blog as a way to get some of these things out of my head.
My name is Julie I'm 3 days to 24 and I'm so very tired of the blah-ness of it all.
I work at Chili's, I work a lot. 6 days a week almost every week.
I knit and I love it so much, I try to do it everyday but that doesn't happen as often as I would like.
I am single but never have time to meet anyone because I'm always working and way too tired to go out. Besides I so don't want to meet someone at a bar.
I joined the gym about 3 weeks ago and I am going but not as often as I would like to, once again work = too tired to live.
I have a pug that is my baby she is so funny and weird it's great. I used to take her to dog park but she is scared of all the other dogs.

So today:
I'm tired my manager's are treating me like shit, well really only one. Like just because one freaking table says that I was rude it negates that like almost every other table says that I am such a nice girl and a wonderful server etc.. ugh! I could spit! Apparently I'm the only person at work that can't call in sick because I'm the only person that can call in at 11:30 in the morning say I'm sick and still have to come in and close that night.

My car is crap. Money is coming in and so I hope I can get out of debt. I want to buy a new car so bad. I think I want the Nissan Rouge (I might go test drive one tomorrow).

I washed one of my Nintendo DS games. It still works but man that sucked!

I can't get my wireless Internet to work and I am super pissed about that.

I really wish I had time to find a new job; but all I know is the food service industry, that is what I went to school for, that is what all of my jobs have been for the past 6 years.

My birthday is Sunday and I am going to start my half sleeve (oh yeah I have 9 tattoos so far and this will be the start of my largest). I am so excited but nervous. I think my mom is going to flip out on me. Oh well it's my life and my body.

I think I might go to the gym right now. It's 1 in the morning but I don't know I'm not tired but I don't think it's safe to go at this time of day alone... maybe I'll just go in the morning for a long time. I just want to be able to shop at the majority of stores so bad!!! I don't want to be restricted to like 4 stores and the smallest section of the other stores with the worst selection!!!!!!!

I'm going to go knit want watch tv...

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